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All games of the Intercontinental Cup live at

22.08.2018 | Helena Novotná

All games of this exclusive event will be produced by, and will be available for the worldwide audience for free at In addition, all games of the Czech team will be also live on the Czech National Sports TV.

Black Sox from New Zealand, national teams of Argentina, Japan, USA, Denmark, and the Czech Republic will face each other at the Intercontinental Cup next week. Selected national teams from five continents will start competing on Tuesday August 28th, the final game is scheduled on Saturday September 1st. All games of this exclusive event will be produced by, and will be available for the worldwide audience for free at

In addition, all games of the Czech team will be also live on the Czech National Sports TV. Jakub Kopriva and Slavomir Novotny will take care of the live commentary. The six participants are very excited for this opportunity to compete among the top few teams in the World.

“It’s a very nice concept,“ said Jens Terkelsen, head coach of the Danish National Team, “perfect for the national teams to compete against top countries in non-World Championship years.”

Even the World Champions from New Zealand see a challenge for themselves in this event: “International Softball is always great, regardless of who is involved, but clearly the ICC is a top class event and we feel very lucky to be invited. We hope it creates more opportunities for similar tournaments around the world.“

This tournament is also a great chance for national programs to see where their younger (or less experienced) players are at: “We bring a strong and experienced offensive team that will have to put up some runs and play exceptional defense behind our pitching. We’re bringing in two new pitchers (BJ Hunhoff and Joel Cooley) who haven’t seen the same amount of experience as Tony Mancha, but they will be counted on for us to have success,“ says the head coach Gregg Leather

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