Info o turnaji

Intercontinental Cup has just started!

28.08.2018 | Derek James O`Brien

This is the first year of the Intercontinental Cup of Softball, featuring six national teams – Argentina, Denmark, Japan, New Zealand, USA and home of the Czech Republic. The tournament runs from Tuesday to Saturday, finishing with the gold-medal game at 19:30.

The tournament kicks off with a game between Denmark and the United States of America, followed by the Czech Republic against Argentina at 19:30. Overall, the round-robin portion consists of 15 games from Tuesday to Friday, where every team plays each other once. The playoff portion will be played on Saturday, with the final scheduled for 19:30.

All games involving the Czech team will be televised by ČT Sport, and online commentary will be available at

A live video stream of each game is available on Playo TV.

Up-to-date statistics from each game are available here:

Krátké zprávy

Argentina bere bronz!

1.9. - Klání o třetí místo patřilo Argentině, český výběr porazila 9:1.

ICC vyhrál Nový Zéland!

1.9. - První ročník Intercontinental Cupu si podmanili Novozélanďané, duel s Japonskem otočili a zvítězili 5:1!

VIDEO ze čtvrtého dne

1.9. - Podívejte se na sestřih toho nejdůležitějšího z pátečního programu.