
Migliavacca: Me and softball? Love at first sight

29.08.2018 | Jan Řápek

He grew up in the city of Parana. Soccer and basketball never meant that much for him. So that’s why he is playing softball. And he loves it. Even though he felt bad after the loss again team USA. Argentinian pitcher Pablo Migliavacca is enjoying every moment.


How did you enjoy this game?
“I like it pretty much. I had to pitch four innings. It was a close game, we kicked up early, start scoring runs but they catch up. It was a bad ending with that walk-off, but what a game is. Keep forward for the next year.”

Have you ever been to Prague or this is your first time here?
“This is my first time in Prague. We could see the city two days ago, we did all the old town and the castle. It was really nice, we really enjoyed it. We had a nice weather as well. Also, the fields are great for both pitching and batting. We’re enjoying our time here.”

What is the best thing about playing softball?
“I love the sport, all the ways. I like when I’m pitching, getting the outs. When I’m batting, I like to hit. But the strategy of every play too. And the other thing, which is more important, is to be ready on your mind every pitch. That’s what makes this sport different. It’s about the situations. Whoever has more control of the moment, gets better results. I enjoy the national team too with a great bunch of guys. We are playing together for many years already and it’s always nice to get off the field with them. I’m enjoying every tournament.”

When did you decide to play softball? Why di you choose softball instead of football?
“Softball is very big in my city of Parana. Czech team was there several times. So, it was a coincident. Friend just invited me when I was six or seven years old and the field was two streets off my house, so I went to play. After I started playing, I found out that pretty much of my family had played before. Once or twice. I fell in love and I never tried something different. We had soccer and basketball in school but I stuck with softball and I love it.”

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